Tuesday, October 14, 2008

a bowl from Vogue

Well the long holiday weekend was nice. I picked up some great fall pieces at the J.Crew outlet sale after work on Friday (score!), but its uncharacteristically warm today so I can't wear any of it until it cools off a bit. Saturday, my sister and I went to the local fall festival, browsed all the local craft vendors and enjoyed the music of the awesome 80's cover band The Legwarmers. Then that night we went out to see another awesome local cover band Mr. Greengenes. Lots of cover band fun!

I finally worked on some of the various little crafty projects I've had going on. I started this magazine bowl weeks ago, and its been sitting unfinished on our coffee table ever since, so I finally picked it up to finish it. It's a bowl made out of the pages of a magazine! I saw this on A Little Hut, the awesome creative blog by Patricia Zapata, and wanted to give it a try since I have tons of magazines lying around. It's such a cool idea and the bowl actually looks really cool in person. It was fun to make, just a little time consuming.

You basically just rip out pages of a magazine, fold them down horizontally, then hot glue them in a spiral and build up from there. I only used up probably half of a Vogue issue.

looking down into the finished bowl...so colorful!

I really like how it turned out and I'll probably end up making some smaller ones to match. Thanks to A Little Hut for such a cool idea for recycling those magazines and for providing directions on how to make it!

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